Also, please
note that the deadline for people to submit an order for packeted seeds has
been extended until this Saturday 8th March. The list of seeds available can be downloaded here and
the order form here.
We look forward to seeing you!
Your New Shop
re-opens on Saturday 8th February from 1.30 to 3.30 p.m. Shop hours
are the same as before – please see the Flyer above and attached for all the details. And please do share the flyer with friends
and neighbours who might like to join – they don’t need to have an allotment!
New Subs
Membership subscriptions are now due for 2025. After almost twenty years of keeping the rate
the same, we’ve decided to raise it to £4 per year. This is to help meet increased administrative
costs, such as insurance and banking, and to add new benefits such as payment
by card (see below).
We need to make sure our records of members are accurate
and up to date so we’re asking all members to complete a form this year. A copy
of the form is attached for you to print off and fill in to bring to the
shop, or forms will be available in the shop to fill in.
New benefits
You’ll now be able
to pay in the shop using a debit or credit card - please bear with
us while we get used to new systems!
We’re no longer accepting cheques, because of the cost and difficulty of
processing them, but you can pay by cash as usual or by bank transfer if you
Deans Garden Centre - under new ownership - have
introduced their own membership card and stopped all discounts to gardening
groups. However, Pextons are still
giving members 10% discount on garden products and Vertigrow will now also give
you 10% discount. Just show your
membership card when you shop at either business.
Seasonal Stock
As well as all our usual stock, seasonal items, such as seed potatoes and onion and shallot sets,
should be available when we re-open.
We’re also offering garlic plants
for sale, grown on in pots and ready to plant out - only 20p each or £1 for
The usual range of seeds
including 50p packets and loose peas and beans will be available in the shop.
You can also order discounted seeds from the Mr
Fothergills/ RHS/ Johnsons ranges – please
see the list attached for availability; an order form is also attached.
If you are placing an order for seeds, please let us have your order by
28th February at the latest.
You can bring the form into the shop or e-mail it to us at
Shop Team
We’re organising an informal training session for all
shop team volunteers at the shop on Sunday
2nd February at 2.00 p.m. And if you’re interested in joining the team
for the first time, please come along just to see what’s involved and whether
it might be something you’d enjoy – No Obligation!
Grand Opening
Celebration Event
This will be on Saturday
15th March at 2.00 p.m. with refreshments and a special
guest. Look out for more details nearer
the date!
Good Gardening!
Your Association Committee