Tuesday 6 October 2009

Thefts on Scarcroft and Hospital Field

There have been a recent spate of thefts on Scarcroft and Hospital Field.

On Hospital Field, a tree was stripped of red apples and Ruth lost loads of plums.  On Scarcroft, leeks, potatos and cabbages were stolen from one plot and parsley plants and other leeks were just pulled up and left to wilt on the soil.  As the Scarcroft theft happened within the sight line of the new CCTV we may get some resolution on that event.

The affected Hospital Field tennants have asked that everyone on that site remembers to lock the gates, even to the extent of locking yourself in when you are on the plot as that means that anyone else there has got a key and is definitely a plot holder.  They know that this may cause some inconvenience for anyone who forgets their keys or has to balance a loaded bike by the gate but hopefully it will protect crops, as it is so disappointing to have waited all year for a crop only to have it stolen before you get a taste.

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