Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Helping Yorkshire's Hedgehogs

Britain’s hedgehogs are in serious decline and the hedgehog has been placed on the Red List of threatened species in need of conservation

A course, consisting of an illustrated talk and workshop, will be held by Toni Bunnell
from 13.30 to 16:00 on Sunday 6th November

The workshop will be held at the Black Swan Inn, 23 Peasholme Green, York, YO1 7PR [01904 679 131]

To secure a place on the course, please send a cheque for £10 (made out to ‘T. Bunnell’) to 5 Beech Avenue, Holgate, York, YO24 4JJ

Course content:

Reasons for the decline of hedgehogs in Britain
First aid treatment for new arrivals
Further treatment of sick or injured hedgehogs
Caring for baby hedgehogs
Attracting hedgehogs to your garden
Monitoring hedgehogs in the wild

Proceeds to go to York Hedgehog Rescue Centre
with 10% to go to Hull Hedgehog Rescue Centre (Lorraine Jackson)

For information contact: Toni Bunnell (01904 791124) T.Bunnell@hull.ac.uk

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