Thursday 10 September 2009

Fed up with courgette yet? Here's a suggestion from Glut Gourmet.

Creamy Courgette Pasta

1lb/450g courgettes
8 fluid ounces/250g creamy yoghurt or creme fraiche
a teaspoon of cornflour
fresh basil
olive oil

Top and tail the courgettes and grate them. Mix the cornflour into the yoghurt or creme fraiche. Heat some olive oil in a pan and when it's hot, add the grated courgettes and toss them rapidly for a couple of minutes so that they get very hot without burning. Add the yoghurt or creme fraiche and stir it in - the cornflour should prevent it from separating. When the mixture is thoroughly hot, serve with the pasta of your choice and shred a few basil leaves over the top.

Matthew, my husband's, highest praise was "you can hardly tell that was courgette". High praise indeed, especially by this time of year.

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