Thursday 3 June 2010


The allotment shop still has some well chitted seed potatoes, onion sets and shallots available, so as it is getting later in the season we are giving these away, free to members. Many of you will have got your potatoes in a while back, but just is case you have a spare corner or were badly effected by the late frosts, or simply haven't got round to it yet, feel free to come and take as many as you like. It is not too late to put in seed potatoes. Potatoes take between 8 and 10 weeks to mature, so if you plant them now they will simply give you potatoes later in the year. This is particularly good with earlies as you can get that new potato taste and size much later in the year. With onions and shallots they will also be fine, they just won't grow to the same size as ones that have had longer in the ground. All the potatoes and onions have been kept in good conditions.
So come on and help yourselves.

The shop hours are:
Saturday 1.30 - 3.30pm
Sunday 10am - 1pm

Mike Oldfield

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